About Us
I offer simple direct advice. If I don't believe the web is the right place for your business. I will say so. You will not be strung along until you give up! most businesses still need a small presence however, even if it is being found in local seach for your business name.
The web has always been a bit of a "Wild West". In 1999 it was especially so, and the friends I made then are still friends now. It was a simple game then, and we were the only players. Most are still working with the internet, in many different fields. So, while my 15 years of experience is useful. I do not pretend to know everything. However, I generally know someone who does.
Now the internet is controlled by big business, and their wallets are deep, so the one thing a company needs to be able to be on the web, is flexible. If you can be an agile business, then you will succeed. There are always opportunities to exploit if you can more quickly. Early adopters always benefit, if only with knowledge. If for political reasons you cannot change direction quickly, learn and move on, then you will struggle, and waste money.
I can help you with this.

Why Choose Me
Give me a call, and see if I can help.
We are not an agency. They do a great job, and I am sure I can put someone in touch who can help you if you are looking for an agency. You will find a warm welcome, a team of people all in the same office, and there is great strength in that. What I offer is straight dealing performance. And honest appraisal. Its what I ask for.

Why should you trust me?
Have a look at the old site.
Indeed why should you? I can prove I have been around a while. And its not just the age of this domain name also Click here to see the old site. I have been online for years. If you go to www.Archive.org then you can see this site as it was in 2004 or even earlier.