Very often our potential clients have recently
spent a lot of money for a very stylish looking website which they
think is perfect. Unfortunately, these types of sites are usually
not created with search engines in mind.
This is one reason why we are sure to tell people
that in nearly every case, we will need to change the visible text
on their main front page so that it better utilizes the keyword
phrases they want to rank high under.
"What?" they often ask. "Can't you just change the
meta tags?"
"What if we make the new text invisible?"
"Aren't there ways to do all this in the
background somehow?"
"Isn't there any other way?"
There are other ways, but like any successful company
we use methods that have proven to work for us in the past. That
is, creating keyword rich, professionally written marketing copy
that naturally uses the keyword phrases the site wants to rank high
for, which means that your customers will know they have come to
the right place.
Think about this for a moment and it and it makes
perfect sense. Search engines are there for the sole purpose of
finding pages that are relevant to a user's keyword search. What
better way to find relevant pages than to look for sites that meet
the above criteria?
Coded Sites
Many sites cannot be viewed by search engines at all. Do you use
frames for instance, or is your site driven by a database? If so,
it is probable you will have not listing, or at best a limited listing
on search engines.